FStorm 1.5.3

FStormRender v1.5.3 for 3ds Max is ready.
Changes since version 1.3.6:
FStorm Scatter is a build-in scattering tool generating many millions of objects in a matter of seconds during rendering process. FStorm Scatter is a native tool supporting all FStorm Render features and working directly on GPU side.
FStorm Scatter uses node based editor. Node system allows to scatter many geometry blocks with desired complexity and unlimited flexibility. Every node has a simple UI and is easy to use.
With minimum effort FStorm Scatter populates a scene with huge amount of details making the scene rich and real. Due to GPU calculation FStorm Scatter speed is unreachable for other scattering tools. FStorm Scatter removes a necessity of using any external scattering tools and makes users workflow independent and efficient.
FStorm Fur can be usefull for rendering short hair / fur objects like rugs, cloth and similar geometry. FStom Fur is FStorm Render native tool, generating the geometry on GPU and supporting all FStorm Render features.
FStorm Fur is fully procedural geometry, controlled with a few parameters and maps. It has simple settings producing significant diversity of fur shapes. FStorm Fur provides high speed geometry generation making creation process efficient and smooth with desirable result.
FStorm Volume modifier turns any geometry surface into a volume based on texture dencity. FStorm volume can produce different volumetric effects like clouds and smoke. FStorm Volume gives high rendering speed and is able to generate complex atmospheric effects.
FStormDisplacement grid type:
FStorm Displacement grid type transforms displaced geometry into a special geometry primitives with very low memory use. Grid geometry is 10 times more memory efficent than regular geometry and always gives super detailed and accurate result. Grid type is ideal option for scanned geometry using low poly model with displacement map.
Displacement grid type supports all FStorm Render textures including procedural noises, bitmap random tiling, vertex colors and mix textures.
FStorm procedural textures with grid displacement give unlimited geometry detalization unreachable for bitmap displacement.
Anamorphic and vignetting bokeh:
New bokeh/dof parameters were introduced giving more artistic look of rendered images.
FStorm Scene Lister:
Scene Lister collects all fstorm scene resources in one place. With Scene Lister a user quickly goes through the scene, sees what resources are used and where, adjusts basic parameters or selects involved objects for deeper modifications if necessary.
Vertex velocity from UVW channel:
Velocity channel is usefull for geometry with changing topology when motion blur is required.