Changes: Improved and reworked light sampling. Optimized direction lighting. Light sampling power based option is removed. Multiple suns support. Environment sampling ratio. Increase geopattern precision. FStorm Denoiser. DenoiseNormal and DenoiseAlbedo render elements. Scene lister selection only option. 3ds max 2025 support.
Bug fixes: Broken texture render element. Broken Pulze and other render managers compatibility. Displacement artifacts. Environment lighting dims interior lights. Broken AO render element. Environment atmosphere with light exclude GPU crash. Incorrect atmosphere rendering in render elements. Crash on incorrect geometry uvw mapping. Environment texture gets blurred by denoiser. High Forest Pack GPU memory use. Motion blur crash. Crash if render time limit is too small. Broken Forest Pack geometry update. Broken alpha channel. Incorrect normals of proxy geometry. Gpu crash of volume geometry + light exclude. Broken Ornatrix support. Incorrect DenoiseAlbedo element network rendering. Gpu crash with rounded edges + matte geometry.