FStormBitmap texture is used to load bitmap(raster) images.
get transform from slot loads all transformation settings from another bitmap texture to avoid typing many the same values several times.
mapping sets the way how bitmap texture should be applied to object or environment. There are possible ways:
world XYZ: texture is applied in world space metric coordinates (XY world projection in case of no rotation).
object XYZ: texture is applied in object space metric coordinates (XY object projection in case of no rotation).
object UVW: texture is applied according UVW mapping coordinates for corresponding map channel set.
spherical environment: in case of environment usage it applies texture in spherical projection way, in case of object it uses camera angle direction for spherical projection (like IES distribution).
screen environment: texture is applied to fit to camera viewing space.
projection: FStorm Material Projection uvw space is used.
map channel sets uvw texture coordinates channel and which makes sense only for mapping set to object UVW.
real-world scale sets mapping to real-world state. for more details please read 3ds max help page
offset U/V sets bitmap offset along u and v directions.
tiling U/V sets bitmap tiling (scale) along u and v directions.
border sets bitmap continuation left and right from uv square.
tile: repeats texture periodically.
mirror: repeats texture with mirror periodically.
clamp: use edge pixels as continuation.
random offset allows to randomize u/w offset by element/object/material ids and its combinations.
random tiling randomizes texture transformation for every uvw square unit to avoid any periodical reiteration. This feature requres seamless bitmap image.
If the bitmap doesn't have any periodical pattern (like bricks or tiles), random segment values can be set to any high values.

If the bitmap contains a periodical pattern (like bricks or tiles), it is important to determine pattern period along U and V axis.
On the image above patten period is 3 for U axis and 4 for V axis. This values should be used for U and V random segments

file sets from what file image should be loaded. if the specified files doesn\'t exisit, black image 1x1 size will be used.
type specifies what kind of kind of file data show be used. Color type loads normal colored image. Mono type loads gray scale image. This type takes 3 times less gpu memory than color one and recommended for bump, glossy and displacement mapping.
no compression disables bitmap compression in case of visible compression artifacts.
invert option inverts the image.
gamma sets image gamma. It is recommended to use gamma 1.0 for most images except HDR images unless some specific gamma correction is required.