FStormFur is a modifier turning a surface to a fur/short hairs geometry.

hairs num sets overal numbers of hairs over the surface.
hairs segements sets hair geometry details. Higher value gives smoother hair shape but takes more GPU memory.
material id filters surface geometry by faces material ids on which fur geometry has to be generated.
density slot allows to controll fur density by map.
surface side determines on which surface side the fur geometry has to be generated.
root/tips width controll hair thickness. map slot controlls overal hair thichness by texture.
length controll hair length variation. map slot controlls overal hair length by texture.
random direction gives initial hair roots random orientation. random direction can work even with hair segment number set to 1.
direction bump map sets initial hair roots orientation based on bump map. bump map can work even with hair segment number set to 1.
random bend bends hairs in random directions. hair bending requires hair segments set to 2 or higher.
random bend octaves makes random bending curves more complicated.
bend map bends hairs toward map bump direction (gradient). hair bending requires hair segments set to 2 or higher.
gravity bends hairs toward to specified direction. hair bending requires hair segments set to 2 or higher.